‚ô• Sunday, March 18, 2007
lalalalalalala.... stupidly bored.. gotta get my uniform altered by today.. thanks to be wasting the entire week away.. SMART.....
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@12:09 PM
‚ô• Friday, March 16, 2007
sat at hg macs for like 4 hrs straight doing hist.. KILLER.!!!there was a really cute kitten under the car.. spent like 30 mins trying to catch it so i can bring it home.. but it didnt wanna come out.. aww...I DIDNT GO TO CLUB MOMO YSTD.!! i'm a good girl =]]going out with my cousin again later.. i really cant do without my allowence anymore... its.. TORTURE.! so i'm asking my mom for it instead =] great mom. hahagoing t ms tonight. not exactly sure where.. hemal's reccomendation.lala.. kelvin asked me out today.. dunno if i wanna go.. dont want history to repeat itself.
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@12:53 PM
‚ô• Thursday, March 15, 2007
st james was FUN.!! haha.. yeahss.. didnt stay till too late though..i've got like tons of school work to complete and i've started. yes. but i'm not even half way there.. DAMN..i really wanna go to club momo tonight.. but will i have enough time to complete all my work.? i really dont know mans.. was way to lazy to go to jeanettes house today to do our chinese project.. so will do it only when school starts or what.. KARMY GOT ACCEPTED INTO ACJC.!! ok.. means one less chinese project partner.. awww.....school hols are ending soon.. i've still gotta get one more set of uniform and send all of it for altering.. omg.. i cant believe one week is so short.. its ok.. there's still JUNE HOLS.!! which is like a million years away...so i really dunno.. shld i go to club momo tonight.??? is jeanette, hemal and kimberly intending to go.?? hmm... i dunno..i wanna go study.. but my home is wayyy to comfortable for any of it to take place.. but yet, i'm too lazy to leave... haha. ok... theres smth wrong with my brain.. as usual.. especially with all those rubbish running through my mind... so weird..good day..
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@12:07 PM
‚ô• Tuesday, March 13, 2007
i REALLY ought to be studying.. but i just cant bring myself to....
gonna leave the house at around 5 or 5.30.. meeting jeanette at vivocity before going to st james... haha.. feeling so ultra bored now.. spent practically the whole day in bed.. it was really nice though... i've still got school tomorrow... i bet i'll just sleep..
OH.! and somehow.. jeanette and i are going to be wearing the same thing.. it wasnt even planned.. haha.. hmm.. interesting..
wonder what time i'll be leaving there.. maybe when it closes.. but i dont intend to go home anyways... thinking if i shld bring my uniform so i can just like rot arnd until its time to go to school.. HAHA. its retarded i know.. hmmm... but i think i wont.
half an hr more until i'm gonna bathe..
nice blue tongue.!
CNY fireworks
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@3:27 PM
‚ô• Sunday, March 11, 2007
hols are here.!! whats the diff.. HAHAhad been forced to work for the past 2 days.. damn boring job.. was at relc building giving out stuff.. yeah.. i've got school tmr... awwww... its sad....have been getting very very little sleep these few days.. met up with some of my classmates ystd night for pool.. havent seen them in forever.. haha.. they've gotten really good.. i got trashed by everyone of them.. or maybe its just that i'm bad =[ i just simply cant aim..going out again later.. not too sure where... i seem to be at a total loss of things to blog... peiyi is leaving the country tmr.. I WANNA GO ON A HOLIDAY TOO.!!! ok.. i'm gonna watch tv now...
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@9:48 PM
‚ô• Thursday, March 08, 2007
WOOHOO.!!! march hols are here.!!! actually.. no.. i dont have holidays.. gotta go back to school on mons till weds for bridging classes, got HELL loads of hw and gotta catch up with the other students.. esp for history... hl history.. damn..not going to sch tmr.. its sports day.. was thinking of going back to innova.. but.. hmm.. dont exactly wanna go like EARLY in the morning.. or maybe i will =]]lala. took a cab back again today.. with jeanette, andrew and marcus.. haha.. enjoyable ride back.? i think i laughed till i developed packs.yeahss.. ANYONE WANNA GO ST JAMES THIS TUES.???
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@7:46 PM
‚ô• Sunday, March 04, 2007
okayss.... havent updated in a long time...i cant even remember what happened throughout the week.. HAHA. been really busy.. with hell loads to do. theres a history test on russia on monday and i haven even started learning ANYTHING abt it.. gonna start studying tmr =]a few shoutouts and i'm going to bed THANKS TO :-samuel for the ben and jerry's treat-cornelyus for the encouragement -ronald for putting up with my busy schedule-lihao for fetching me despite my sisters mood swings-MY BED FOR BEING SOOOOO COMFORTABLE.!!i'm a goldfish =]
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@12:39 AM
‚ô• Thursday, March 01, 2007
IVP is this sat.. and i'm bruiseified.. DAMN.!!haha. and guess what.. i think they mixed up the ballots and somehow i'm in the female (brown) bantam cat.. when i'm SUPPOSED to be in the female (black) fly cat.. hmm....i dunno man.. the ij tkd captain hasnt confirmed with me anything yet.. its founders day today.. couldnt be bothered to even wake up. HAHA.
l'amour, celui est vous et moi
@2:21 PM